We use cookies on our website. Some of them are essential, while others help us to improve this website.
This website uses the "Matomo" service, which is provided by InnoCraft Ltd (150 Willis St, 6011 Wellington, New Zealand, NZBN 6106769).
With the help of Matomo, we are able to collect and analyse data about the use of our website by website visitors. This enables us to find out, among other things, when which pages were accessed and from which region. We also record various log files (e.g. IP address, referrer, browser and operating system used) and can measure whether our website visitors perform certain actions (e.g. clicks, purchases, etc.).
The use of this analysis tool is based on Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f GDPR. The website operator has a legitimate interest in analysing user behaviour in order to optimise both its website and its advertising. If a corresponding consent has been requested, the processing is carried out exclusively on the basis of Art. 6 para. 1 lit. a GDPR and § 25 para. 1 TTDSG, insofar as the consent includes the storage of cookies or access to information in the user's terminal device (e.g. device fingerprinting) within the meaning of the TTDSG. Consent can be revoked at any time.